Benvindo ao site pessoal de Marcel Leal, publicitario, radialista, webmaster de Itabuna, sul da Bahia

Quem sou
Who Am I
Curriculum (Por)
Curriculum (Eng)
Meus Sites
Entre Outras Coisas
Jornal A Região (BA)
Rádio Morena FM 98.7
Grapiuna Web
Sul da Bahia
Jupará Records
Jornal The Brazilian
Bank of Domains
London Daily

Rede Morena

My life so far...

    I was "conceived" at a cocoa farm in the Bahia State, Northeast of Brazil, but was given birth in Sao Paulo, one of the biggest cities in the world.
     The mixture of "mood" from both places is responsible for whom I am. From Itabuna I learned to enjoy life and people, and everything about hospitality. From Sao Paulo I learned to work hard, to like new technologies, to stay ahead...
     I had a wonderful, happy infancy and adolescence in Itabuna. Then, in 1976, 16 years old, I moved to Sao Paulo, where I studied first in a Baptist High School, then at the University of Sao Paulo. There I got an Advertising & Marketing degree in '84, then moved back to Itabuna.
     That was a short stay, since I'd soon be flying to England, where I spent a great year attending the BBC Production and Directing Course Overseas. I'm proud to say I was the only Brazilian ever to attend this course and the highlight of it.
     In early '86 I returned to Itabuna and spent the next two years planning and building Radio Morena, a FM station that deeply innovated regional radio since '87.
     Today I also own a record label (Jupara Records), a marketing company (M-Pro), a regional newspaper (A Região), another in London (The Brazilian) and a printing company (Colorpress).
     I write a weekly column on marketing and business for A Região and sometimes collaborate with other publications.
     I speak English fluently and can understand Spanish and Italian when spoken slowly... am a OS/2 Warp 4 user (and very happy with it)... have 17 cats and a wonderful wife, Sandra... am a Star Correspondent at the Los Angeles based radio program World Chart Show... traveled a lot in Europe and California... That's me.
     In 2000 I became an editor at the Open Directory Project, from, for the category Bahia under Regional. The ODP is used by many portals, including Lycos, Netscape, Hotbot.

.......... Home .........     .......... Curriculum .........


20. Buscando o culpado errado
19. Transgênicos ou não?
18. Cenas ridiculas do poder baiano
17. Sua empresa pode perder o nome
16. A Globo e a vergonha da imprensa
15. Porque a Globo me quer na cadeia
14. Eu contra a Globo
13. Enterrando a história
12. Acesso gratuito, mas nem tanto
11. A Farra das carteiras na Bahia
10. Sobre carros e abusos
9. Bandido menor, crime maior
8. A idiotice da oposição brasileira
7. Foi dia do que mesmo?
6. Crimes de guerra do mocinho
5. Sem liberdade de imprensa
4. Uma guerra que cheira a armação
3. Piratas ou pioneiros?
2. Besteiras sobre virus de e-mail
1. Bahia, terra do acarajé e da impunidade

Busca Mundial

Calango! o Portal da Bahia

Ultra Busca RM

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